Tender from the Central Potato Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
We are pleased to inform you that the Central Potato Research Institute, a unit of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Shimla, (HP), India has invited Global tender vide tender notice no. 15-1/Tender/2014-15/Store dated 28th January, 2016 for procurement of the following equipments/items: [su_spacer size=”10″] S. No. Name of the equipments/instruments Quantity Place of Supply/installation 1. […]
All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi (AIIMS)
We are pleased to inform you that the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi (AIIMS) has invited Global tenders for the procurement of the following equipments: S. No. Item Quantity Tender No. 1. Motorised Upright Research Microscope along with Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (Fish) Imaging Workstation 01 15/CNC/NP/15-16/ST 2. Capillary Based […]
Tender for supply of Modulator Assembly
We are pleased to inform you that the Opto Electronics Factory, a unit of Ordnance Factory Board under Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India has floated a Global (two bids) Tender for supply of “Modulator Assembly.” The tender number is OLF/MM-2/T-1506040431dated 22.12.2015. The last date for submission of Tender is 26.02.2016 till 14:00 hrs. […]
Procurement of Gas Chromatograph Mass spectrometer (GC MS)
We are pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Home Affairs, PM Division (Procurement Wing), Government of India has invited two bid system (Techno commercial bid and price bid) Tender for “Procurement of Gas Chromatograph Mass spectrometer (GC MS)” vide tender notice No. D/21013/3255/19/04.11.2015/P-1 dated 16.12.2015. The Tender document will be available on www.eprocure.gov.in […]
Procurement of Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine
We are pleased to inform you that the Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur, India has invited two bids Global Tender for “Procurement of Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine” vide tender notice No. 3032/CAP/NC-133/11-12/NP-139/12-13/TE/2015-16/25/EO dated 04.01.2016. The last date for submission of Tender is 01.03.2016 at 17:00 hrs. The details regarding specification of tender, procurement of bidding […]
Tender from Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur, India
We are pleased to inform you that the Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur, Ministry of Defence, Government of India has invited two bids Global Tender for procurement of the following equipments: S. No. Item Quantity Tender No. 1. Centrifugal Disc finishing Machine having volume 35 Ltrs. minimum along with Screening Vibrator 01 GTE No. 3032/CAP/RR-56/15-16/TE/2015-16/31/EO […]