Tenders from The Rail Wheel Plant, Bela, District-Saran, Bihar, a unit of Indian Railways
Dear Sir/Ma’am: We are pleased to inform you that The Rail Wheel Plant, Bela, District-Saran, Bihar, a unit of Indian Railways has invited Global tenders through online (E-tendering) for supply of the following Stores items at Rail Wheel Plant, Bela: S.No. Tender Number Tender closing date and time Item Description Quantity 1 01171039A 28.01.2018 […]
Tender from the Director General of Meteorology (DGM), India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India
Dear Sir/Ma’am: We are pleased to inform you that the Director General of Meteorology (DGM), India Meteorological Department (IMD), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India, has floated of a global ONLINE e-TENDER vide tender reference number: CPU/52/1217/9840 Dated: 09.01.2018 in two bid systems from qualified bidders i.e. (i)Techno-commercial bid & (ii) Price […]
Capital Dredging for creating a New Navigational Channel from MDL water front to Offshore Container Terminal (OCT) Berth of MbPT.apital Dredging
Dear Sir/Ma’am: We are pleased to inform you that the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL), a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Department of Defence Production, Minitry of Defence, Govt. of India is engaged in the construction of Warships/Submarines for the Indian Navy. MDL has recently published a Global Tender for Capital […]