Tender from Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur, India

We are pleased to inform you that the Ordnance Factory Ambajhari, Nagpur, Ministry of Defence, Government of India has invited two bids Global Tender for procurement of the following equipments:


S. No. Item Quantity Tender No.
1. Centrifugal Disc finishing Machine having volume 35 Ltrs. minimum along with Screening Vibrator 01 GTE No. 3032/CAP/RR-56/15-16/TE/2015-16/31/EO dated 10.01.2016
2. Vortex Grinding Rotary Machine P-30 HF-V having volume 30 Ltrs. Minimum 01 GTE No. 3032/CAP/RR-57/15-16/TE/2015-16/32/EODated 10.01.2016
3. Centrifugal Disc finishing machine (volume 16) 01 GTE No. 3032/CAP/RR-58/15-16/TE/2015-16/33/EODated 11.01.2016


The last date for submission of Tender is 08.03.2016 at 17:00 hrs. The details regarding specification of tender, procurement of bidding through electronic mode, the e-procurement system requirement, Vender Enrollment and obtaining class-III digital signatures are available on the website https://ofbeproc.gov.in.


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