We are pleased to inform you that the CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, has invited sealed tenders in Two Bid Systems vide Tender Notice No. PA/84/2016 dated January 27, 2017, for supply, installation, training and commissioning of the following item/equipment:-
Sl. No. | Item and tender notice | quantity | Last date of submission |
1 | Design, Manufacturing, Supply, integration, installation & Commissioning of Straight grate Pelletisation Pilot Plant with capacity of 4-5 TPH for testing of different iron ore concentrates based on a basic layout developed by IMMT | Complete one Unit | 28.02.2017 up to 13.00 hrs |
The detailed specification of the item along with terms & conditions of the global tender is available at: www.immt.res.in. For more information you can email at: spo@immt.res.in.