NICCT Online Debate on “COVID-19 crisis: Impact, learnings and best practices” – 7.5.2020 – 17.00-18.15hrs


From 17:00 until 18:15 hrs

Join us for an online debate on “COVID-19 Crisis: Impact and learnings with entrepreneurs” on 7.5.2020, 17.00-18.00hrs. This session is dedicated to sharing impact, best practices and learnings on dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands and in India is severe and spreads economic uncertainty. Entrepreneurs and business owners are handling the repercussions of lockdowns in both countries on a day to day basis. At the same time, they are dealing with the depression in demand and its impact on the revenues for the coming quarters. We invite our participants to join our guests in sharing experiences and best practices.


Discussion questions will include:

  • What has been the real on the ground impact of this crisis on businesses in terms of day to day running of the business
  • What is the size of the challenge to the economy, how will this impact businesses what measures can be taken?
  • What could be the governmental role and policies to reduce the economic impact on the engine of both economies, the SMEs?


Our esteemed panelists are:

  • Flin Veenstra (business developer – NLinBusiness) will set the scene by presenting a summary of the results of a survey of entrepreneurs on the Covid-19 impact
  • S. Manoj (Chartered Accountant) on “Impact of COVID-19 on businesses in India and Government policies & measures to mitigate the impact and encourage investment”
  • Paul Oosterlaken – CEO – Kiremko 

The online debate will be moderated by Vidhya Sampath, VP and Board member NICCT.


The program: 

16.45-17.00 hrs Log in and registration (prior to starting time)
17.00-17.05 hrs  Welcome & introduction by Vidhya Sampath – moderator, VP Board member NICCT
17.05-17.15 hrs  Flin Veenstra – Business Developer – NLinBusiness – presenting a summary of the results of a survey of entrepreneurs on the COVID-19 impact
17.15-17.25 hrs  S. Manoj – Chartered Accountant on “Impact of COVID-19 on businesses in India and Government policies & measures to mitigate the impact and encourage investment”
17.25-17.35 hrs  Paul Oosterlaken – CEO – Kiremko
17.35-17.50 hrs  Q&A
17.50-17.55 hrs  Closing remarks by Edith Nordmann – Chairman NICCT
17.55-18.15 hrs  Online Networking


To register:


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