We would like to inform you about NIPERs, which have contributed widely to the international pharmaceutical research, are extending admission to foreign nationals in various fields of pharmaceutical sciences with the intention of offering quality pharmaceutical education and research facilities. The NIPER International Student Admission Brochure (Masters, Ph.D. and Integrated Ph.D.) is available on the link http://brochure.niperkolkata.edu.in/.)
Detailed information about the research projects at NIPERs’ is available on the link https://nipermis.pharmaceuticals.gov.in.
For any further information, you may directly contact
Dr Subhendu Bhowmik,
Assistant Professor, NIPER Kolkata
Email: intladmn@niperkolkata.ac.in;
Mobile: 7319531133
S. K. Verma Director (Parl & Coord) Ministry of External Affairs
Tel: 011-23014754