The 17th Edition of the India Innovation Summit is scheduled from 14 - 18 September 2021, with the theme "Crafting our Future - Innovation for the Next World”. The summit is also supported by Government of Karnataka, Department of Electronics, Information Technology Biotechnology and Science & Technology.
The India Innovation Summit is the flagship national event since 2005. The Summit provides an ideal platform for Indian Industry to study and understand the various flavors of innovation across all verticals of the Industry and drive the essential role of innovation in business success for the nation in the digital era. It is also a platform to engage and drive the innovation led growth strategies from India for global markets. The current pandemic has forced many industries to rethink about their current and future strategy for growth and pushed a relook at the fundamental principles of business. The purpose and drive to look at our future world in terms of technologies, markets and society is the primary driver for this year’s innovation summit.
This year, the theme "Crafting our Future – Innovation for the Next World” will focus on pushing the boundaries of existing systems beyond the current pandemic and explores an evolving a society of the future. The focus areas of such a future society are dimensioned around Competitiveness, Growth, Technology and Sustainability. The summit will be an exclusive platform to deliberate on how innovations are changing the future of society, split into 5 days. Focus is to showcase and deliberate on grass roots innovation, covering multi track sessions including Manufacturing, Automotive, Financial Services, Healthcare, Food processing, Consumer Good & Retail, Communications, Transportation & mobility and Sustainability, with exclusive tracks focused on new disruptive technologies, role of different stakeholders in creating an ecosystem of innovation.
The details of registration are as given below.
Registration Link: