Are Indian & Dutch Employees Equally Pro-Active: Truths & Myths – Saturday 13 March 2021 – Online

13 - 13Mar2021

From 09:00 until 10:30

India Netherlands Business Chamber Bangalore (INBCB) has the pleasure of inviting the members of NICCT to join in a special online interactive session "Are Indian and Dutch employees equally pro-active? Truths and Myths'" which will take place on Saturday 13 March 2021, from 09.00-10.30hrs (CET) (13.30-15.00 hrs IST).
The formal program will take 30-45 minutes followed by networking possibilities in where the participants will be divided in break out rooms to discuss this topic further and/or to interact with each other informally.
The program will be led by Thomas van Berckel - member of INBCB (Managing Director of Dutch Roof Consultancy). Thomas van Berckel will explain cultural differences which lead to different perceptions about proactivity in India and the Netherlands. He will do this by using the Hofstede 6-dimensions model and also the Organizational Culture elements which play a role here.
Thomas van Berckel is Dutch, lives and works 17 years in India. He has, among others, been three years associate partner of Hofstede Insights (HI) and has been certified by HI for intercultural management (ICM) and organizational cultural management (OCM). He managed for 7 years an offshore team of 10 Indians in Bangalore and was between 2017 and 2020 almost full time involved in a major program in which Indian IT consultants were selected and trained before they started to work in a Dutch Language environment (in government or semi-government places like UWV and Rijkswaterstaat) in the Netherlands.
Thomas often got feedback from the Dutch managers that the Indian employees – working in teams with almost only Dutch colleagues - could be more proactive. He will share the surprising analysis of the problem (are Indian employees really less proactive than their Dutch colleagues?) and which steps have been taken to solve this issue.
We look forward to receiving your registration via as soon as possible.

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