From 17.00 until 18.25 hrs
At Online
Dear members of NICCT, We hope that this e-mail finds you in good of health in these unprecedented times. As we move towards a profoundly changed socio-economic situation for the rest of the current year, the NICCT would like to assure you of our support. NICCT has developed a new initiative, NICCT Online with exclusive conversations with industry leaders. This Exclusive Online Conversations give you the opportunity to ask questions directly and get feedback on the developments within the Indo Dutch Business Corridor from captains of industry and prominent leaders in various fields. As part of the NICCT Online initiative, NICCT & the Embassy of India are very pleased to announce the first exclusive online web interaction with H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony of the Embassy of India on Friday 1st May, 17.00-18.25 hrs. Agenda 16.45-17.00 hrs Log in and registration (prior to starting time) 17.00-17.05 hrs Welcome & introduction by Vidhya Sampath (moderator, VP Board member NICCT) 17.05-17.20 hrs H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony - Ambassador of India to NL 17.20-17.50 hrs Q&A 17.50-17.55 hrs Closing Remarks by Edith Nordmann - Chairman NICCT 17.55-18.25 hrs Online Networking Reception The purpose of the interaction is to create the opportunity to give feedback & ask questions regarding the operations during COVID-19 pandemic and the implications for your company. The Ambassador of India will share the insights of the current situation, what has been done as well as work in progress and will also let you know how The Embassy of India can be of assistance for you as an entrepreneur. This web interaction offers a limited amount of virtual spaces. Therefor we serve on a first come, first serve basis. Registration Please click on the link to register yourself for this event: The Embassy of India and NICCT hope that you will join us and we look forward to welcoming you online on Friday the 1st of May 2020, 17.00hrs. Kind regards, NICCT Team For more information contact: NICCT, Patricia Christina de Bordes (Executive Secretary): Embassy of India, Ashok Kaushik (Marketing Officer):