CSE is organizing an integrated online and onsite training course on "Water Audit and wastewater management in industries". The basic (online) training will be from 6 to 19 February 2024 and the advance (onsite) training will be from 7 to 10 May 2024. In the online course, the basics of water audit will be covered whereas, in the onsite training programme, the topics will be covered more in detail like aspects of water costing, calculation on rainwater harvesting, water neutrality, making water circuit diagrams, analysing the data, writing a water audit report, and hands-on experience will be given to the participants by taking them on industry exposure visits and covering the case studies from different industrial sectors, and many more things.
The course will help the participants to get an insight into the issues related to water and how they can be managed. During the training, participants can discuss their doubts and queries with the sector experts from CPCB, CGWA, boiler & cooling tower experts, and other water audit experts from renowned fields.
We request you to nominate people from your organization/industry and share the information in your contacts.
Link for registration
The world is facing enduring water risks with the demand-supply gap increasing at an alarming rate. The industry is an important stakeholder in water resource management and as a responsible member of the community, needs to be proactive in combating water risks. The increasing industrial production, especially in water-intensive industries (like thermal power plants, steel, pharmaceuticals, tanneries, pulp & paper, beverages, automobiles, textiles, fertilizers, etc.) is already putting pressure on the limited freshwater resources in India and worldwide. This coupled with increased water demand from other sectors like infrastructure development, agriculture, domestic, etc. is leading to major conflicts over water availability.
Sourcing water and managing wastewater is becoming increasingly difficult & expensive and hence is an important aspect of the sustainability of any industry. Industries that are heavily dependent on water for their production have to cut down on their production at times due to scarcity of water mainly during the summer season. Such scenarios have become more frequent in the past few years due to increasing water stress. Therefore, it is very critical that industries use water judiciously and reduce their water footprint as much as possible in order to be sustainable in the future.
Water use optimization, improving water accounting systems, and identifying water losses and opportunities for water savings can serve as effective approaches for reducing water consumption. Also, efficient wastewater treatment technologies and recycling and reuse practices can further bring down consumption and effluent generation. Further, substantial costs associated with water & wastewater management like water sourcing, cost of pumping, cost of water treatment (chemicals), cost of effluent treatment & disposal, etc. can be effectively reduced through better water and wastewater management and through periodic conduction of water audits.
Understanding the relevance of the issue, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is launching an integrated training programme on Water Audit. The training programme will comprise two parts: Basic learning (online platform) and Advanced learning (at our residential campus). The course is designed to provide an overall understanding of the water audit process which includes theoretical knowledge via lectures from sector experts, first-hand experience through group exercises, discussions, exposure visits to industries
Industry professionals, EHS officials, Environmental Consultants, Environment Engineers, Environment Regulators, Environmental laboratories, Academic institutions, Students, Research scholars, and others aspiring to work in the field of water audit and wastewater management.
Introduction to water audit |
Advance concepts of water accounting |
Instruments used for water auditing |
Monitoring and Metering in industries |
Basics of water circuit diagram |
Preparation of Water Audit Questionnaire |
Fundamentals of Cooling towers, and Boilers |
Concept of water positivity, neutrality in industries |
Concept of water costing |
Increasing COC of cooling towers |
Highlights of CGWA notification |
Concepts to enhance boiler, pumps efficiencies |
Industrial wastewater management |
Achieving ZLD in Industries |
Case studies and assignments |
Sector specific Case Studies |
BASIC (ONLINE) COURSE DATE: February 6 to 19, 2024
ONLINE COURSE DURATION: 1 to 2 hours per day
Venue: AAETI Campus, Neemli, Rajasthan
LAST DATE TO APPLY: 2 February 2024
BASIC COURSE FEE (ONLINE): INR 3,500/- (Indian Participants) / USD 100 (Global Participants)
ADVANCE COURSE (ONLINE + ONSITE): Rs 28,000/- (Indian participants)
This 28,000/= fee includes lodging, food, travelling to and fro from the CSE office to AAETI, training materials, and exposure visits to industries.
Note: A full waiver on online fees for participants applying for the onsite programme