We are pleased to inform you that the Embassy, in partnership with the impact organization Circle Economy, Amsterdam, will be organizing a Joint Seminar on Mission LIFE at the Royal Tropical Institute, Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam, on July 3, 2023. The timings will be from 1500-1700 hours CET. This will be an important event which will be held during India's G20 Presidency and will introduce Mission LiFE in the Netherlands.
Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) is a global mass movement led by India to nudge individual and community behavioural change in order to reduce emissions, protect the environment and conserve resources. Mission LiFE was announced by Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi at COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021 and was formally launched by him along with the Secretary General of the UN Mr. António Guterres in October 2022. LiFE draws on India's experience of mounting successful large-scale behavioural change campaigns to address waste, sanitation and clean cooking challenges. Mission LiFE was one of India's priorities during the G20 presidency. The stated objective of Mission LiFE is to mobilise at least one billion Indians and other global citizens to take individual and collective action to protect and conserve the environment in the period 2022-28.
We are confident that the event will help to strengthen the relationship between the Netherlands and India and help in the exchange of best practices and lessons learned in protecting and conserving the environment.
Participation in the event is through registration which can be done through the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mission-life-g20-and-the-lifestyle-for-environment-tickets-660357796947?aff=oddtdtcreator\