In order to present Indian coffees to the Dutch trade, we are pleased to inform you that the Embassy of India, The Hague and the Coffee Board of India will be organizing a Virtual Buyer Seller Meeting on Friday, October 29, 2021, from 1100-1215 hours CET.
As you may be aware, India is the third largest producer and exporter of coffee in Asia and the sixth largest producer and fifth largest exporter of coffee in the world. India offers 13 regional varieties of Arabicas and Robustas. Among the celebrated specialty coffees are Robusta Kaapi Royale, Monsooned Malabar and Mysore Nuggets Extra Bold. Seven of the Indian coffee varieties have a Geographical Indication tag.
The programme, in brief, is given below:
Ø Welcome by Embassy of India
Ø Introduction to Indian coffees by officials of the the Coffee Board of India
Ø Brief introduction of Indian exporters of coffee
Ø Brief introduction of Dutch companies
Ø Q&A session
Ø Closing
In order to join the meeting you can register with undersigned at email: On receipt of your registration we will send you the link for joining the meeting.