We are pleased to inform you that the Central Potato Research Institute, a unit of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Shimla, (HP), India has invited Global E-tender vide tender notice no. 15-1/Tender/2016-17/Store dated 28th November, 2016 for procurement of the following equipments/items: –
S. No. | Name of the equipments/other items | Quantity |
1. | Gas Permeability Tester | 1 No. |
2. | Water Vapour Transmission Tester | 1 No. |
3. | High Pressure Homogenizer | 1 No. |
4. | Stereomicroscope | 1 No. |
For detailed specifications/terms & conditions of the equipments/items are available in the CPP Portal http://eprocure.gov.in and on the Website: http//cpri.ernet.in. The last date for submission of Tender is 05.01.2017 up to 11.00 hrs.