IT for India – New Horizons, New Opportunities

The Indian IT industry is expected to witness about 12 per cent growth over the next four years, to reach a market size of about INR1.8 lakh crore by 2016. IT services and software products will lead this growth, due to an increase in IT adoption by companies, shift towards outsourcing and emergence of new technologies. The role of IT in organisations is expected to evolve from simply being “order takers” to transformative “business partners”.


To effectively leverage the IT, Indian companies need to develop the required IT capabilities—need identification, value assessment, vendor management, governance models, and IT talent management. End user companies in India are unique and have expectations around cost, unique user needs, expect more touch points and high quality delivery.


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Source: IBEF

Disclaimer: This information has been collected through secondary research and NICCT is not responsible for any errors in the same. 


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