New NICCT Member Announcement!

We’re delighted to welcome Fontys University of Applied Sciences from Eindhoven as the newest member of NICCT.

Fontys is committed to establishing mutually beneficial contacts and programs with Indian partners to help their students at the International Business Program getting a better understanding of the Indian (business) culture and opportunities, with special attention to digital transformation and finance. Do you wish to know more about Fontys, click here:

Feel free to get in touch with Kiran Aswani and Theo Terwee!

Become a member

The NICCT informs its members about relevant business developments in India and the Netherlands. The NICCT also inspires its members by organizing various programs throughout the year and providing the opportunity for you to meet your peers and build your network. We are also influencing relevant stakeholders to optimize business relations between the Netherlands and India. By doing this we promote business and economic relations between India and the Netherlands to the mutual benefit of both countries.

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