We are pleased to inform you that CSIR-CENTRAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE, M.G. AVENUE, DURGAPUR 713209, WEST BENGAL, INDIA has floated a global tender for procurement of following equipment/ systems vide tender reference number: PUR/Advt./2017-18/-8 dated 06/11/2017: The last date for submission of tender is on 7th December, 2017upto 14.30 hrs(IST).
1. Microprocessor based PC Controlled Isoperibol Bomb Calorimeter
2. Ash Fusion Determinator Furnace
3. PC based automatic Thermo Gravimetric (Proximate) Analyzer
4. CHNS Analyzer (with balance & PC) for Coal, Coke and Geological samples
5. Portable phased array Ultrasonic Testing Equipment
For detailed specifications of tenders, kindly visit the Websites www.cmeri.res.in. or may contact the Stores & Purchase Officer, CSIR-CENTRAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE,PH. NO. +91 343-6510333