Newsletter – Coronamonitor Zuid-Holland #7 – Innovation Quarter
Please find attached (in Dutch) the 7th Coronamonitor of Innovation Quarter The Hague: Coronamonitor Zuid-Holland #7
Innovation Quarter – Coronamonitor – Zuid Holland – edition 6
Aangehecht vindt u de 6e editie van de Coronamonitor Zuid-Holland. Om een beeld te geven bij de economische impact van de COVID-19-uitbraak hebben de Economic Board Zuid-Holland, InnovationQuarter, de Provincie Zuid-Holland en de Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag de Coronamonitor Zuid-Holland ontwikkeld. Doel van de monitor is inzicht te geven in de economische impact op […]
Communication of Innovation Quarter The Hague – Corona Monitor
Please find attached the fifth edition of the Corona Monitor of Innovation Quarter The Hague. It contains interesting updates for the Province South Holland and the impact of COVID-19 on several sectors like: ports and logistics, hightech systems and materials, agriculture, life sciences & health, construction sector, retail, tourism, public transport, start-ups and scale ups. […]