NIBM 2024 – Opportunities and Threats of AI in the Netherlands – India Corridor – 26 June 2024 – Amsterdam

Register Here About Dear ladies and gentlemen,  Join us for the Netherlands India Business Meet (NIBM) on Wednesday June 26, 2024, in Amsterdam exploring “Opportunities and Threats of AI in the Netherlands-India Corridor“.  Discover opportunities, network with industry leaders, and gain valuable insights.   🗓 Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024⏰Time: 14.30-18.15 hrs (Program starts at 15.00hrs)🏢 Venue: Amsterdam – […]

The Corridor – Magazine

Please click here for the 3rd edition of The Corridor, the premier magazine of the Netherlands India Business Corridor. In this issue – the crucial topic of business partnerships! ( The interviewed were:

WEF starts today in Davos!

Today #WEF24 starts in Davos – Switzerland and chairman NICCT – Mrs. Edith Nordmann joins as a panelist! This week over 2.800 leaders are convening under the theme “Rebuilding Trust”, to contribute, to progress on four themes: * Achieving Security and Cooperation in a Fractured World * Creating Growth and Jobs for a New Era […]

NIBM 2023 – The Future of Work and The Impact on Cross-Border Commerce and Trade – 20 September 2023 – Amstelveen

About It is our great pleasure to invite you for the Netherlands India Business Meet (NIBM) scheduled on Wednesday 20 September 2023 from 14.30-18.15 hrs (including  networking prior and post the program).For more than a decade the NIBM attracts over 200 small-sized, medium-sized and multinational companies active in the Netherlands-India business arena. The theme for this year […]