Amid much antipication, NICCT India opened its doors on the 12th February 2016 in Mumbai.The Event was a grand success and was attended by representative of 200+ Companies, participating from different parts of the country. [su_spacer size=”10″]Giving the Welcome address, Mr Vipin Moharir, Chairman NICCT NL, enlightened the audience by saying that NICCT strives to keep […]
Successful Round Table Session “Doing Business in India”
On Thursday 26 March 2015, NICCT organized a successful Round Table Session “Doing Business in India” at the World Trade Center Rotterdam. NICCT organized this event together with MKB Nederland (Rotterdam), Rotterdam Partners, VNO NCW West and WTC Rotterdam. The moderators for this event were Ward Massa and Bart Hergaarden of IndiaConnected. Sixteen companies […]