Tender -Central Potato Research Institute, a unit of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Shimla, (HP), India

Central Potato Research Institute, a unit of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Shimla, (HP), India has invited Global Tender to vide tender notice no. 15-1/Tender/2016-17/Store dated 29th September 2016 for procurement of the following equipments:

S. No. Name of the equipments/instruments Quantity
1. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS System) 1 No.
2. Power Backup -200 KVA online UPS 1 No.
3. Gas Permeability Tester 1 No.
4. Water Vapur Transmission Tester 1 No.
      5. Automated Printer (lateral Flow Reagents Dispenser) 1 No.
6. High Pressure Homogenizer 1 No.
7. Incubators 1 No.
8. Refrigerated Centrifuge 1 No.


For detailed specifications of the items along with terms & conditions of the tender are available in the CPP Portal http//eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app.in and ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute Website: http//cpri.ernet.in. The last date for submission of Tender is 03.11.2016 up to 11.00 hrs.

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