Dear Sir/Ma’am:
We are pleased to inform you that the Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL), a Public Sector Undertaking under the administrative control of Department of Defence Production, Minitry of Defence, Govt. of India is engaged in the construction of Warships/Submarines for the Indian Navy. MDL has recently published a Global Tender for Capital Dredging work at Mumbai. The aforesaid e-tender can be viewed/downloaded from MDL website> Tenders -> Technical Services. e-NIT for the tender is attached for reference. Brief of the tender are as under:
1) Tender Number: 1900000021
2) Tender Description:Capital Dredging for creating a New Navigational Channel from MDL water front to Offshore Container Terminal (OCT) Berth of MbPT.
3) Pre-Bid Meeting: 09 Nov ’17 at 1030 hrs (IST); rescheduled on 23 Jan ’18 at 1030 hrs (IST)
4) Closing Date of Tender: 29 Nov ’17 at 1430 hrs (IST); extended to 20 Feb ’18 at 1430 hrs (IST)
5) Opening of Techno-Commercial Offer (Part-I) : 30 Nov ’17 at 1430 hrs (IST); 21 Feb ’18 at 1430 hrs (IST)
6) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): INR 10,00,000/- (Rupees One Million Only)
7) Performance Bank Guarantee: 10% of the Order Value
8) Completion Period: 06 Months
9) Integrity Pact Bank Guarantee (IPBG): INR 1,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Million Only)