IIFT MBA Delhi incoming delegation visiting NICCT at HCLTech premises

This morning, NICCT, in collaboration with HCLTech, had the pleasure of hosting an event for MBA students from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) Delhi, specializing in Trade and International Business.

Some of our NICCT members eagerly embraced the opportunity to engage with this highly motivated group, exploring strategies to strengthen trade and business relations between the Netherlands and India. The IIFT students were particularly interested in insights on overcoming challenges, fostering a favorable business environment, and identifying key market trends for Dutch-Indian collaboration, all of which were thoroughly discussed by HCLTech.

We extend our best wishes to the IIFT MBA students for their continued success during their stay in the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland, and we look forward to hearing more from them in the future.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to HCLTech for hosting this program and playing a key role in making it a tremendous success.

Please click here to get a glimpse of the gathering: https://nicct.nl/iift-incoming-delegation-19-september-2024-the-hague/

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The NICCT informs its members about relevant business developments in India and the Netherlands. The NICCT also inspires its members by organizing various programs throughout the year and providing the opportunity for you to meet your peers and build your network. We are also influencing relevant stakeholders to optimize business relations between the Netherlands and India. By doing this we promote business and economic relations between India and the Netherlands to the mutual benefit of both countries.

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