Report of KPMG: “Potential Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Economy”
“As the new financial year commences, the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has infected more than eight hundred thousand people in more than 150 countries – a scourge confronting all humanity, impacting lifestyles, businesses, economies, and the assumption of common well-being that all of us have largely taken for granted”, written by Mr. Arun M. Kumar Chairman […]
Future of NICCT – Towards 2020…
Dear Members, Inform. Inspire. Influence. These are the guiding pillars at NICCT towards defining and executing value adding activities for its members. I am happy and proud to introduce you all to the first issue of our monthly newsletter in an endeavour to further improve information sharing within and outside the NICCT. In the dynamic […]
“India is de uitvinder van de nul” – 5 mei 2015 – AD
IMF ups India’s growth forecast to 7.2 per cent for current fiscal
Times of India: March 12, 2015 New Delhi: India’s economy is recovering and its ability to withstand external shocks has improved. Terming Indian economy a ‘bright spot’ on the global economic landscape, IMF on Wednesday raised its growth forecast for the current fiscal to 7.2 per cent, even as it called for steps to revitalize […]